Sunday, December 2, 2012

LA’s 2013 City Hall Elections could bring new political reform

LA’s 2013 City Hall Elections could bring new political reform

Los Angeles faces an estimated $3 billion dollar plus deficit over the next five years, employee wages and benefits comprise the substantial share of the city budget. Estimated increased revenues only cover approximately a third of the increased costs.
The city must make it easy for businesses to thrive. This will create employment and increase revenues to the government and it will create the multiplier effect.
Multiplier effect definition:
An effect in economics in which an increase in spending produces an increase in national income and consumption greater than the initial amount spent. For example, if a corporation builds a factory, it will employ construction workers and their suppliers as well as those who work in the factory. Indirectly, the new factory will stimulate employment in laundries, restaurants, and service industries and the housing industry which employs builders, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc.
Take taxation: Taxes simply transfer resources from consumers to government displacing private spending and investment. Families whose taxes have increased will have less money to spend on themselves. They are poorer and will consume less. They also save less money, which in turn reduces the resources available for lending.
When a country and its society import more than they export for over a quarter of a century, it is bound to erode the economy to its primate state.
Many people and businesses are leaving the city. The people of LA have lost their trust in the government and the various special interests groups that are milking the city
Los Angeles needs a strong innovative leader who can unify the various factions in the city, and form a unified cohesive force to overcome the current crises and dissention. Every faction must be willing to compromise or we are doomed.
We must put all our differences aside and it is imperative that we all work together for the betterment of the city and its population. We have a saleable product; let us promote it, market it and sell it.
After all it is a government by the people for the people.
YJ Draiman

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